Olsen Mediation & Arbitration services is pleased to announce that SALLY OLSEN has joined our practice!

Sally and Steve had been law partners 1993 – 2004 with our Olsen & Olsen firm. That was the year that Governor Gary Locke chose Sally to become the Kitsap County Superior Court Judge. She has held the position for 20 years until her retirement from the bench in 2024.

Governor Gary Locke appoints Sally Olson as Superior Court Judge.

Prior to becoming a judge, Sally had practiced law for 17 years. She was a prosecutor, Judge Pro-Tem and Family Law Practitioner.

She was active in our community; serving as chairperson for Kitsap Humane Society, Kitsap Human rights Network and the Kitsap Domestic Violence Task Force. For over 20 years, Sally has been a volunteer for Kitsap Canine Search and rescue, training our chocolate labs to search for missing persons.

On a Search and Rescue Mission

Prior to becoming a Judge, Sally had taken Mediation Training and was working on becoming a certified Mediator. As a judge she continued her Mediation training at the National Judicial College. She put her training to work, conducting Hundreds of Settlement Conferences, which are Evaluative Model Mediations; helping thousands of litigants avoid the cost and risk of trial.

During her time as a Superior Court Judge, she decided every kind of issue imaginable. An incredible wealth of knowledge and experience.

We are proud to say that she can now she can put her training and experience to work for you. Welcome Sally to our Olsen Mediation and Arbitration.